Cyberjournalism Vs Printjournalism
روزنامه نگاري الكترونيك و چالش روزنامه نگاري سنتي



درباره روزنامه نگاري و اينترنت

Why cyber journalism vs print journalism?Newspapers are in trouble. Readers are straying in papers. This blog will explore where we've gone wrong and what we're doing right, with an eye toward REWRITING THE FUTURE OF JOURNALISM.


Global Media Journal



Sunday, May 15, 2005

Dead Trees: RIP for Newspapers?!


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Newspapers & Trees
In a recent edition of the Washington Post, Michael Kinsley poses a thoughtful parable about dying of trees for newspapers! Print journalists may enjoy reading it, as I do.
Some evil force is causing people to stop reading newspapers! ...
This alarming possibility threatens all of us, because reading newspapers is, in the end, what makes us Americans. We are prudent, practical, common-sense people. And what could be more common-sense -- more downright American -- than chopping down vast swaths of trees, loading them onto trucks, driving the trucks to paper mills where the trees are ground into paste and reconstituted as huge rolls of newsprint, which are put back onto trucks and carted across the country to printing plants where they are turned into newspapers as we know them (with sections folded into one another -- or not -- according to a secret formula designed for maximum mess and frustration and known only to a few artisans) ...
Newspapers are essential to every American, and none more so than the fools and ingrates who have stopped buying them. It is up to us, as members of the last generation that experienced life before computer screens, to make sure that future generations of Americans will know what to do when it says "Continued on Page B37." ...
As with the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, the government would buy vast quantities of newspapers on the open market and store them somewhere for a rainy day (when they can be delivered sopping wet, as the newspaper industry prefers whenever possible). One possible location for the reserve might be my mother's apartment, where there are already neat piles of newspapers dating back to Watergate that she is going to get to soon. If you go to inspect the reserve, please don't tell her how the 2000 election came out. She wants to be surprised...

To be continued here.

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